Studying World Climate to Help Ohio

Did you know that almost all US states have a state climatologist? These researchers, in addition to duties within universities or governmental agencies, manage networks of volunteer weather observers across their state, compile and verify weather data, and make it available to interested parties. The climatologists’ knowledge of their state’s climate and weather patterns makes them an invaluable resource not only for those concerned about the impacts of today’s weather, but also for those responsible for adapting to new weather scenarios in a world affected by climate change.

The state climatologist for Ohio is Dr. Jeffrey Rogers, Professor in the Department of Geography at Ohio State University. Rogers studies climate variability in the United States and North America, and often focuses his research on the weather patterns of Ohio and the Southeastern United States. Recently, his research has included analyses of how atmospheric circulation can create different types of regional weather—how changes in a circulation pattern called the Pacific North American Pattern can cause milder but wetter winters in the Ohio River Valley, for example.


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