Ohio Study Shows the Value of Lake Erie Shoreline Recreational Fishing

Lake Erie shoreline anglers — those who fish from shore locations like docks and jetties instead of boats – value their fishing at an annual average of $13.5 million, a study from Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Sea Grant, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife has found. Shoreline anglers also spend an additional $1.1 million in communities near their fishing destinations on things like food, gas, and last-minute supplies.

Lead investigator Dr. Thomas Blaine, Associate Professor with Ohio State University Extension, studies environmental economics, a research area that is all about measuring the value of things that aren’t part of a traditional goods-oriented market. For example, it’s easy to figure out the value of something like a pair of jeans or a pizza: the price is considered the value of the item.


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