Home Décor: Jewelry Board
Do you need a way to display jewelry instead of hiding it away in boxes? This jewelry board only requires insulation foam, fabric, double-sided tape and sewing pins to make that happen.
I initially posted this tutorial on Instagram, but this seems more accessible.
Insulation sheets are huge, but if you ask nicely, the hardware store will cut them into quarters for you. One quarter is a good size for a board, and you can always make additional ones later.
Your fabric should be about five inches larger than your board on all sides. Trim the excess to make handling it easier.
Iron your fabric.
No really, iron it. These wrinkles will not just smooth out.
Depending on your insulation, you may have these edges that make fitting the sheets together easier when you’re using them for their intended purpose. In this case, they mess with the fabric laying flat, so you want to trim them. Carefully.
Lay everything flat on a table, making sure there are no wrinkles under the foamboard. If there’s print on the foam, make sure the other side is facing the fabric, especially if you’re using a light color.
Carefully fold your fabric around the edges and secure it with tape. Once one side is secured, you can carefully pull on the opposite side to smooth out any wrinkles, but keep an eye on your lines if your fabric has strong graphic elements. You don’t want your tile print to get crooked.
You want all your edges secure, but don’t worry too much about any small spots that aren’t sticking. You’ll be nailing this whole thing directly against a wall, it’ll be ok.
Once everything is secured, you can turn your board over.
This is the time to check your print alignment and adjust any wrinkling.
Look from across the room, too - that’s how you’ll be seeing this board most of the time, after all.
Time to hang your masterpiece. Find a good spot with some space around it, since necklaces may hang below the bottom edge. If you own a level, now’s the time to break that out, along with a hammer and nails.
Your nails should be about twice as long as your board is thick - you’ll be adding some weight with the jewelry, and you want to make sure everything is secure.
The first nail in should be the center top (or one of the top corners if you’re hanging the board vertically), directly through the fabric and foam. Then use your level or a helper with good eyes to even our your lines and add the top corners (or the other side at the top). The bottom nails help take more weight and make sure the board is flush against the wall - they should go in center-first as well.
Now it’s time for the fun part!
Use sewing pins pushed into the foam at an upward angle to hang earrings, necklaces and bracelets in whatever configuration looks pretty to you. And then enjoy never forgetting about those earrings you bought a decade ago ever again.