History & Science on the High Seas

“We have met the enemy, and they are ours.”

Those now-famous words from Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry after the Battle of Lake Erie were written aboard the Brig Niagara, a two-mast tall ship that became the American flagship during the 1813 battle with the British fleet. But the Niagara’s claim to fame doesn’t end in the pages of history books – a replica of the ship still sails the Great Lakes today, serving as a backdrop for history lessons, sailing courses, and college classes.

There are few prerequisites for “Environmental Science on the Brig Niagara,” and students are taught everything they need to know to sail the ship. However, a good sense of balance is definitely advantageous.

One of those classes is Environmental Science on the Brig Niagara, offered through a partnership between Niagara University, Penn State University, and Ohio State University’s Stone Lab. Students from any college or university can live and study aboard the Niagara for three weeks, covering Great Lakes science, history, and environmental policy while actively helping to sail the ship.

Read more on the Ohio Sea Grant website or download the PDF.


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