Freshwater Science: Fungal-Like Disease Detection in Aquaculture Operations

Aquaculture is a growing industry in Ohio and the Great Lakes region, providing farm-raised seafood ranging from crawfish to walleye. And just like land-based farms, fish farmers spend a lot of time making sure their animals are healthy.

Dr. Vipa Phuntumart and her team at Bowling Green State University have developed a method to detect Saprolegnia, a fungal-like pathogen that can result in an estimated loss of $40 million to U.S. aquaculture operations every year, in water samples from fish farms. This way, the fish can be treated with eco-friendly options before they show symptoms.

See more on the Ohio Sea Grant website.


Finding Fish for Food or Fun: Exploring the Great Lakes Fresh Fish Finder


Freshwater Science: Using Genetics to Manage Lake Erie Walleye Fisheries